Initially our product is going to be offered to all the public in general.But most of all to the people that wants to have a new tendence in their routines, also we can have support from feeding different health promotive organization that can help to promote our product.
Our sales point is going to be situated around 116.15, and our geographical location it is going to work from the 85 street until 153 street and 7 avenue to the high-way.
Our service is mainly based on an internet portal and mobile, and the food can be directly acquired from the portals.
Concern for survival growth and profitability:
This is not affect the company beacause the idea of our company be small and direct. the profits are given (just) to the healthy people.
our philosophy divide it in two aspects: First, take care of the environment using bike trasnportation and offer healthy food to our customers, creating a new tendency of lifestyle.
Our distinctive competence advantage is the use of bycicles to deliver our products because we want to contribute with the environment in the best capacity as we can.
Concern of public image:
self.awareness and environment/social and bussiness responsability.
Concern of employees:
This is the most important resource to offer a good service, because we need to motivate our employees to give to the customers the best service and transmit credibility.
*We offer healthy food to the public door to door service, in which the transportation delivery system is going to be based on the environment using bikes.