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Supervise different areas to eliminate the error range of processes, with the purpose of seeking continuous improvement for the organization. Because of, our organization is going to make performance evaluations, in order to analyze the results obtained by its employees.


Once the service provided for the customer by Eco food has finished, both, deliverymen and food given are going to be evaluated by the customers in a range from 1 to 5, being 1 considered as bad performance, and 5 considered as the best performance, if the customer want to do it. This is going to allow the company to know which deliverymen are having the best individual performance and if the chef is doing his work properly.


On the other hand, General Manager will be evaluated by his workmates and by the company´s board of directors according to his management way.  

For evaluating the organizational performance, Eco food is going to have a satisfaction survey about the experience offered by the firm available in the web page, for those customers that already took the service of the company. This is a way for our company of having a feedback directly from the people the firm is working for.

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