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Most commonly, market research is viewed as a method to improve advertising and marketing initiatives and to develop products that are friendlier to specific markets. However, the true range of uses for market intelligence is much larger than most businesses think. The results of surveys and opinion comments can also be used to inform various company departments to support their diverse activities.


Language and Tone of Communications


In the many ways companies engage with their consumers, language plays a crucial role. Market intelligence can be especially useful in shaping the tone and content of marketing collateral and company communications to appeal to specific groups of consumers without being irrelevant or offensive. We believe it is essential that our company has importance in the treatment of our customers, we must make ourselves known in a clear and respectful manner. It's called tact to speak and generate confidence in them.


Advertising campaigns


Market research has traditionally been used to help agencies craft targeted messages in their advertising programs to ensure they are appealing to the right demographics. We consider it necessary to create good publicity to generate attracting customers to us. That we depend to let us know.


Service Improvements


Surveys have often been use to know if consumers are satisfied with a company's services. Now, technologies moreover enable companies to create their own consumer communities, forming a direct and constant source of feedback to focus on what they need to work more. The opinion of our customers through the different surveys we do is critical because they are our reason for being.


It's so important to examine target audience, to know the degree of satisfaction that they have in relation with the service. Taking in to account the following questions:


-What are their needs? A questionnaire is a good way of finding out what your customers want.

Otherwise, is important to take a look about how is working the market in which we want to get in.

-determine what are the products that are not selling and concentrate on the ones that are?

-Ask your existing customers if there is anything else that they would like to buy from you.




Methods that we can use in our Marketing Research















1. Surveys.


With concise and straightforward questionnaires, you can analyze a sample group that represents your target market. The larger the sample, the more reliable your results will be. (Ex: Online surveys, mail surveys, telephone surveys, In- surveys)


2. Focus groups.


In focus groups, a moderator uses a scripted series of questions or topics to lead a discussion among a group of people. These sessions take place at neutral locations, usually at facilities with videotaping equipment and an observation room with one-way mirrors. A focus group usually lasts one to two hours, and it takes at least three groups to get balanced results.


3. Personal interviews.


Like focus groups, personal interviews include unstructured, open-ended questions. They usually last for about an hour and are typically recorded.


4. Observation.


Individual responses to surveys and focus groups are sometimes at odds with people’s actual behavior. When you observe consumers in action by videotaping them in stores, at work, or at home, you can observe how they buy or use a product. This gives you a more accurate picture of customers’ usage habits and shopping patterns.


5.  Field trials.


Placing a new product in selected stores to test customer response under real-life selling conditions can help you make product modifications, adjust prices, or improve packaging. Small business owners should try to establish rapport with local store owners and Web sites that can help them test their products.






















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