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Social demographic cultural and enviromental factors:


It is important to se the trends that are happening now days, look at cultural aspects that may affect the indsutry, look at the geographical events that the countrie is havinf and their tendencie toward enviormental awareness to be ready for any change in a country.

Childbearing rates

According to the CIA World Factbook (Central Intelligence Agency, 2015) Colombia is in the 117th place of Childbearing rates with approximately 2, 04 Childs per woman. On the other hand, the World Bank (2014) affirms that the child bearing rates in Colombia are of 1, 9 Childs per woman, which means that the country is under the global average which is 2, 47 Childs per woman. Also, in the table 1, the World Bank shows data from 2006 to 2013, showing a soft, but constantly decreasing of the childbearing rates in the country.

In Bogotá, D.C. childbearing rate is of 1, 9 Childs per woman, however, it varies depending on the social status. For instance, in slower social status, this rate gets levels of 4 Childs per woman, but in middle and higher status this average is 2, 25 and 0, 8 respectively. (Ministerio de Salud De Colombia, 2015)


Number of special interest groups

In Colombia there are many special interest groups between labor unions, NGOs, big companies, etc. According to the ministry of defense of Colombia (2014), in the country there are 2.357 labor unions with 856.099 members wich represent 4.86% of the total country’s workforce. Also, there are three big federations of labor unions which are:  

  • Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT)

  • Confederación General de Trabajadores Democráticos (CGTD)

  • Confederación de Trabajadores Colombianos (CTC)

On the other hand, there are at least 51 NGOs (Centro Virtual Para la Transparencia y la rendición de Cuentas de la sociedad civil, 2012). Some of the most known are: Observatorio para la Paz, País Libre, Solidaridad por Colombia, Teletón, etc.



Number of Marriages and Divorces

Colombia has one of the lowest rates of marriages in Latin America, because just 19% of the couples got marriage in the last two years. However, during 2014 there was 57. 496 marriages which means an increase of 1, 77% respect to 2013. In Bogotá, there were 10. 300 marriages, so it represents 18% of the total. (Superintendencia de Notariado y registro, 2015). Therefore, the lack of marriages can impact negatively in the economy, because stablished families consume products more regularly than singles. (Portafolio, 2015)

On the other hand, Colombia has one of the slowest rates of divorces worldwide with just 0, 2 divorces per 1.000 habitants which meant just 4.322 during 2014. However there as an increase of divorces of 0, 44% in 2014 respect to 2013. In Bogotá there were just 151 divorces, representing the 3, 5% of the total (Superintendencia de Notariado y registro, 2015)


Number of births

The birth rate in Colombia is of 16 Childs per 1.000 habitants, occupying the 114th position worldwide.  (Central Intelligence Agency, 2015). On the other hand, in the last years, this rate has decreased, passing from 18, 7 births per 1. 000 habitants to 16, 1 in 2013 and 16, 5 in 2014.  (The World Bank, 2015)   

On the other hand, according to the Table 2, the birth rates in Colombia are under World’s and Latin American averages which were 19, 4 and 19, 6 respectively during 2013. In Bogotá, the birth rate is one of the country’s slowest with just 15,5 births per 1.000 habitants. (Ministerio de Salud De Colombia, 2015)




Ethical Concerns


Everyone has their own definition of ethics and morality. Although confusion given the fact that some may give higher priority to other issues that are irrelevant to others, in some circumstances. It is crucial to understand "ethics" as a reflection of what is considered valid, and "moral" as a set of beliefs, behaviors and values ​​that govern the life of an individual or community. Values ​​are axiological categories that allow us to put the world and make it habitable, although they can be positive or negative. (Paz, 2012). For example, in any organization, it is necessary to establish principles and values ​​to create an organizational culture where interpersonal relations are the priority. In addition, to create identity in each of the members, provides support to create a good working environment and performance improvement. However, taking into account the views and opinions of each individual; to create more integrated so these factors are of great importance for success in general, starting from each individual.




Attitudes Toward saving


Most Colombians do not have the necessary training to ensure that it earns render them more, or prepare for an unexpected expense (as a disease) or to plan bigger expenses, like buying a home or raising children . A recent World Bank study put in numbers the magnitude of this problem in Colombia. Only two out of 10 Colombians have enough savings to cope with an unexpected expense. The other eight, live update, save "under the mattress" and if they need money are turning to private lenders who charge usurious interest. (Mundial, Banco,, 2014). It is necessary to promote from childhood, since it will be much easier for a person to save in the future. By having the money correctly, the benefits will be noticeable, since no more needs to pass and control of expenditure will therefore performance will be more money. Each person may even start their own micro-enterprise. It's a matter of attitude and new focus on such issues and easy access to the entire population programs. The government and financial institutions would be great precursors that carry out this dynamic.




Sex roles


Although women are participating more in the labor market, remain the causes of wage inequality. Nearly 65 percent of Honduran workers living on less than the minimum wage, 37.5 percent of Colombians, 16 percent of Mexicans and 14 percent of Brazilians, according to the new study "Working to end poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean: workers, jobs and wages, "the World Bank. The new data add to a series of studies, also conducted by experts from the World Bank, analyzing the reasons why Latin American earn less. Responses range from discrimination is still practiced in many companies, even high female participation in the informal sector, they pay less. Interestingly, women are increasingly participating in the labor force in Latin America, thus contributing to the increase in household incomes and reducing poverty. The number of workers between 25 and 65 grew by 4.5 percent between 2003 and 2013. This shows that women are the only group that increased its presence in low-skilled jobs and those requiring high education, according to the (Mundial, Banco, 2015) report. This situation is critical, since in most cases the mothers are heads of households. Machismo is not yet eradicated in this new era where equality is a priority and the right to enterprise level.



Attitudes Toward investing


Investing is the process of making your money work for you, rather than just stored safely, and it is becoming a necessity for modern life. It is often not possible for an individual working in one place all your life and retire with a pension. People move from one job to another, or from one career to another, and because of government cuts the responsibility to provide for their retirement increasingly falls on the individual. By investing your money wisely, you can make a profit you can then reinvest or save for the future. A good yield of an investment can maximize profit potential. (Bucsh, 2012). Most Colombians prefer to invest in shares. Now, when asked which companies would like to invest, the first place has Ecopetrol (72 percent). Almacenes Exito and Bancolombia then appear, with 27.9 and 27.7 percent, in that order. Follow the Aval Group, Grupo Nacional de Chocolates and Argos (Gómez, 2011). If a Colombian think where to invest their money, rather I do it in a business (34.2 percent) or keep it at home (17.1 percent). Leave it in a savings account is an option for 13.8 percent, followed by the intention to buy shares (10.2 percent), create family funds (9.2 percent), invest in CDT (7.7 percent) and invest it in bonds or natilleras (5.5 percent) and buy foreign currency (1.2 percent). In addition, 14 percent do not consider any of the alternatives mentioned above. (Gómez, 2011)




Racial Equality


Despite the ethnic diversity and races in Colombia, discrimination persists against indigenous and Afro-Colombian populations, which face marginalization, poverty and lack of opportunities for work and education. One of the main highlights of discrimination is the statistical invisibility of indigenous and Afro-Colombians who, despite the improvements made in the official 2005 census, it takes precise statistical data on the demographic and socio-economic situation of these populations. This constitutes a major obstacle to know exactly their living conditions, hindering the formulation and implementation of policies and differentiated, appropriate and effective programs that address the specific needs of these communities. Unequal education departments inhabited by indigenous and Afro becomes apparent when rates of absenteeism and educational underachievement and poor results in the tests conducted by the Icfes Saber among students who graduate from high school are observed.


At work, informality is much higher among indigenous and Afro-Colombian populations. This is because ethnic minorities traverse great difficulty in accessing formal jobs in the cities, and when they do, this represents their lower labor benefits as reflected in the coverage of the pension system affiliation. In fact, according to a study by the Mission Social Mobility and Equity, one in two Afro-Colombians it is unemployed. Also the Great Integrated Household Survey 2007 indicates that four out of ten Colombians and indigenous self-employed while for the rest of the Colombian population, the ratio is three per 10. The report by the Committee on the elimination of Racial Discrimination, 2009 recommended that the Colombian government to implement affirmative action in education and employment for these communities. Although they were already created programs differentiated access in public and private universities such as the Fund Icetex for black communities, there is still no effective affirmative action policy to ensure equal access for indigenous and Afro-Colombian to education and employment. (Universal, 2013)



Use Of Birth Control


The birth rate in Colombia (number of births per thousand people per year) in 2013 was 16.08 ‰ and fertility rate (average number of children per woman) of 1.92. In recent years, Colombia has had a very low birth rate in 2013 was the country 119th in birth rate and fertility 125 Index of 192 countries published by The birth rate in Colombia has dropped compared to 2012, which was of 16.39 ‰, as is the case when compared to 2003, in which the birth rate was 19.87. (Macro, 2013). It is essential, to promote birth control to reduce the risk of overcrowding and to provide better quality of life, including those who do not have many financial resources to provide a decent life for their children. It is necessary that through economic stimulus for the most vulnerable sectors of the population, and thus promote the use of planning and that having a policy of birth control after a while we will have education and better quality health care (would have more coverage ) and increase life expectancy in poor children. Problems like malnutrition associated with poor quality of life in poor areas has caused millions of deaths in Colombia.





Average level of Education


Education is the most profitable investment in Colombia. For every year of education you have, the income of individuals increased by an average of 14 percent. It is a long-term performance. However, the country must improve the problems of inequity in the regions so that educational development has far-reaching. The average education in Colombia is 8.6 years of study and should reach 10.6 (from first to eleventh). This necessitates that there is no repetition of grades, the average is 6 percent should fall to 3. According to the expert, there is unequal to the departments. In Bogotá, for example, the average years of education is more than 11, while in Chocó, which is the lowest, is 7 and a half years. The real challenge for Colombian society is to achieve fairness in income between regions. Level 1 being l0 percent poorest has 5.2 years of average education. 10 percent of the wealthiest level has more than 11 years. (Aprender, 2005). The more levels of education a person has, the more money and job opportunities, contributing to a better quality of life; In addition, the contribution that gives the country have good professionals.




Government Regulation


The State issues rules that govern economic and social activities of individuals. By these rules it is to ensure the efficient functioning of markets, generate legal certainty, ensuring property rights, prevent imminent harm or mitigate or eliminate existing health or welfare, animal and plant health, the environment damage environment, natural resources or the economy. Therefore, the regulations are the rules or regulations issued by the government to ensure social benefits. Economic regulation are the provisions by which the government intervenes in the market to fix prices or production quantities, or establish technical specifications and overall restrictions to be met by citizens and businesses to participate in a market. Generally, such regulations are set in relatively concentrated or characterized by networking market economies. Social regulation are the provisions that seek to protect the environment and human, animal and plant health, and to establish conditions for the exercise of professions and labor relations. Administrative regulation is one that organizes the functioning of the government itself to provide public goods and services. (Cofemer, 2010)



Attitudes Toward Retirement


It is becoming more important to think about the future pension, with the aim of building an appropriate strategy to enable workers and their families have a decent old age. The threat of a new pension 'bomb' that could explode in the coming years if necessary steps are not taken to avoid it, is catching more and more alarms on the country. The worker must take known scenarios and are unsecured and therefore, will face big questions. In Colpensiones requirements are age and weeks: both must be met to achieve the pension. In private funds, however, the fundamental condition is the necessary capital to file the pension claim. From 1 January 2014 the age for access to old-age pension will increase Colombia two years, which means that the retirement age for women to 57 years will pass and 62 years for men (El País, 2013) . In that vein, it is necessary to consider two essential premises to discuss the pension situation: each case is different, and review well in advance the pension situation of each person. In other words, if you want to build an adequate pension strategy it is irrelevant to generalize, or rush. It is also necessary to bear in mind the key parameters in each pension system. (Portafolio, 2015)




Attitudes Toward Leisure Time

I'll make a focus on leisure time of young people between 16 and 24 years, who are not a mass that thinks and feels the same. Depending on your age, the region in which they live and upbringing, their perspectives are very different. A survey commissioned by the firm Synapsis WEEK SAS Research reveals that while 49 percent say that watching television is your favorite activity in their leisure time surfing the internet increasingly takes more strength, which shows the trend of the young to privilege individual activities and set aside the traditionally summoned to the family. For 14 percent, The Simpsons is its favorite program. This may be because it is a series that, with humor, promotes reflection on society. "Young people like it because they are rebellious and sarcastic," says Martha Lucia Gutierrez, director of the Observatory of Youth Javeriano. 32 percent of respondents said that their parents are separated, reflecting a change in the family structure of the country. In turn, 67 percent have between one and two brothers, confirming that families are becoming smaller.


As for the reading index, 43.6 percent read one or two books in the past year. This is due not only to live in a non-reader, but generally high prices of books. For Nicholas Gualteros, psychologist with expertise in education, also due to this habit is now more associated with blogs and web pages. It is also a generation of reggaeton. Probably at the highest levels it is not music to listen, but to party. "Many of his letters have to do with the exacerbation of the sexual characteristic of youth. There are many out their fantasies," adds Gutierrez. 30 percent do not practice any sport. However, among those who practice shows that any sports considered as exclusively male in the past, today are also female. To the sample, 15 percent of women playing football. 74 percent of young people do not smoke. As for psychoactive substances, 92 percent of young people responded not consume, which may be because only tested or its consumption is not regular. (Semana, 2012)




Location of retailing, manufacturing, and service business:

Retail sales affect the business  location of the organization, that should be consistent with the objectives and marketing strategies for more effective results. To define this location, you must have evidence that allow you to determine more clearly the best place to locate your business in a proper way with some opportunities. During this process and activity, you'll acquire the necessary knowledge and marketing tools applicable to your industry related to the strategic location of your business, so that you can make decisions in the right moment or situation.


Attitudes toward business:

This attitutdes are really important to develop activities with the best ethical and operations aspects that always is influenced by culture. According to studies and surveys, is increasing evidence that indicates that national cultures may differ influencing the view of looking at business ethics (Buller et al.,2000). Therefore, the attitude towards business ethics may be different between two nations. Considering the fact that attitudes towards business ethics may vary extensively even within one culture, an effort to come up with a consensus across cultures might be impossible. Instead, a better approach would be to study the differences across cultures. This study contributes to the issue of understanding ethical attitudes across cultures and expands the body of knowledge by bringing into consideration two rather unexplored nations, namely Iran and Malaysia. With the rapid globalisation of companies around the world, such studies on the business ethical attitude would definitely help to understand the cost of doing business in one country and avoid investment in countries with less ethical culture. By the otherside, we can determine that each business is different, so each business has an individual culture and identity just like a person; businesses are run by people,after all.


Traffic Congestion:

Nowadays ttraffic congestion is one of the of the issues that are creating a buzz, new research shows traffic congestion actually does much more than test our patience. It’s a significant drain on our wallets as well our economies. It makes more difficult mobility and different aspects that lead to the economy to be in a critical point. Effective urban governance requires a careful balancing between the benefits of agglomeration and the dis-benefits of excessive congestion. Furthermore, road traffic congestion poses a challenge for all large and growing urban areas.

Inner-city environments:

This factor it’s real significant to know in how conditions the environment it is, because in some cases environments can enhance human effectiveness and make life’s demands seem manageable. Does this phenomenon extend to poor inner cities. Urban public housing residents face a sea of troubles—an array of troubles sufficient to cause despair, hopelessness, and resignation. And yet with- out the hopefulness and energy to tackle these troubles, residents are doomed to remain in a course of continued or deepening poverty. As state and federal funding for entitlements reaches new lows in the United States, there is an urgent need to find low-cost ways of helping poor families become self- sufficient.

Average disposable income:

The amount of money that households have available for spending and saving after income taxes have been accounted for. Disposable personal income is often monitored as one of the many key economic indicators used to gauge the overall state of the economy. It affects us because we must consider the average income of each family colombian to provide fair wages or salaries.

Trust in government:

How much trust and confidence people have in the government of the state, where they live when it comes to handling state problems, a great deal, a fair amount, not too much or other considerations about the development that government it’s doing in the different aspects that can present respect on critical or benefit situations. Trust in government is a mainstay of democracy. On the one hand, the legitimacy of political and administrative institutions and actors vital to the political process is based largely on trust. In a system of indirect democracy the people delegate their sovereignty to these institutions and actors, trusting that this mandate will be handled in an appropriate way.

Attitudes toward government:

This attitudes respond the question about if people have confidence in the government that is at the moment, and if its developments in the multiple areas are being carried in the best way. People The expect that members of the system will learn how to cope with the matching of identities, institutional rules and situations and internalize this knowledge. They will learn how to behave appropriately and react intuitively as good politicians, bureaucrats or citizens.

Attitudes toward work:

Apply attitudes toward work, and develop new startegies at work facility the capicity that someone have to work, it seeks constant feedback to improve every weak point of the company. That’s why changing attitudes toward work help explain the changing demographic profile of the American work force. With a college degree increasingly seen as a necessity for the good life, many young people ages 16 to 24 report they are staying out of the labor force to concentrate full time on their education.



Buying habits:

This factor it is critical to know every day perceptions of the consumer when purchasing a product or service and see their behavior in the purchase and selectionOverall, the buying process is extremely fast-paced today. Most respondents make their buying decisions within a few days. Buyers undertake a complex examination during that time. Many simply buy spontaneously. Yet even in this very short time, many customers prepare with great thoroughness. They gather information online and offline, visit stores and online shops and compare prices.




Attitudes toward product quality

The relationship between the requirements of the consumer is closely integrated for Quality and Productivity. Consumer behavior is often changing. This behavior has been defined as a series of activities of a person who seeks buys, evaluates, and has used a well to meet your needs. Cultural, personal, psychological and social, in order to understand and predict the behavior of current or potential customers, ending in the market.


Attitudes toward customer service

 A Company that cares about train all employees in a culture of care, affected your business in a world where competition and make a difference are the key to a space within the business world and corporate, nothing like a good customer service to be differential, always go more alla to satisfy the customer.  In our company, our purpose is to satisfy our customers and provide the best care for them are satisfied with our service and products. services products and service-to-customer



Pollution Control

Bogota is among the first fifteen cities worldwide have significant levels of pollution, 70% of the pollution produced by vehicles. The air emitted by public service buses, trucks, motorcycles with two-stroke engines times and factories that produce emissions are the main causes of pollution in Bogota. Therefore, in Bogota controlling emissions of carbon monoxide will be established and hydrocarbons and technical conditions of mobilization of vehicles to be instituted reduce their pollution load on the air capita also it is required the adjustment of catalysts (filters) in the vehicles that are traveling and assembly be manufactured new cars with these devices. 203242.


Attitudes Toward foreign peoples

In Colombia there are no cases of discrimination with abroad, Colombian vary in their attitude to foreigners. Aware of the advantage that would mean the increasing the population to their country and progress brought by foreigners in Colombia According excited about immigration Migration reports Colombia, more than 200,000 foreigners came to the country in 2014, most of them for tourism purposes. Foreigners with more visits to Colombia came from the United States (45,932), Venezuela (39 504) Ecuador (13,433), Brazil (12,207), Mexico (10,114) and Argentina (9776). abroad d / vianand44.htm 


Social Programs

Social programs more Colombia contains two important aspects: employment generation and combating poverty.  One of the most important social programs in Colombia's La Red States, which seeks to contribute to improving the living conditions of Colombian families and reduce poverty levels in the country.  Thanks to the implementation of social programs to generate employment in the neediest sectors, has achieved continuous reduction in unemployment in the country.  The figures show that the reduction of unemployment in Colombia stood at 8.9% in the year 2015, the lowest rate in the last 15 years.


http: // laborallempleo-and-unemployment as 20,130,604 02-in-execution% C3% B3n-de-programs-social-we-in-the-right-direction-President- Santos aspx https: social // / pol% C3% ADticas-social- ransversales / Pages / network-attached-to-the-overcoming poverty-extrema.aspx number of churches.


Number of churches:

According to a census conducted by the Ministry of Planning, the city has 1,544 places of worship in the city of Bogota. os / bogodatos / cape-town-of-churches.



Number of church members:

In 2010, Colombia is the 6th country in Latin America With The MOST amount of church members, Specifically 38,100,000 million people. sixth-country-more-Catholic / 333397-3.



Social Responsibility:

Responsibility 54% of social entrepreneurs hardly know what it means Corporate Social Responsibility while another 20% have only heard of and 14% admit not knowing anything about it.  12% Business people are really aware of what the Social Responsibility (CSR).  Only 2,671 employers have implemented CSR in their companies to Social responsibility is a social commitment to the environment surrounding the company.  The companies play a vital economic role in the small world of values, companies have the opportunity to do their part in the search for values ​​to become socially responsible companies. foul-social-responsibility / 181559 business-rse.html.


Attitudes toward careers:

Not all careers are equally profitable because it depends on the university where we gets the title.  When choosing the university in which we will pursue our studies higher education, many times we rely on the university curriculum, ranking of university within the globally reputation of graduates in the labor sphere economic return or employment.  College of Management Studies (CESA) is the institution to which they belong graduates who are better salary remuneration, followed by the Universidad de los Andes Universidad de la Sabana and Eafit.

Carrers more demand
















 Universities-most-profitable-to-study / 208347 http: // estudiarlproyeccion-labor-racing /.


Population changes by race, age, sex and level of affluence

The regional level were presented significant progress. At present most of the departments have structured plans competitiveness. And most important, the most competitive cities are also which offer better quality of life. The cities facing major difficulties are Monteria, Santa Marta, lbagué and Villavicencio. Which has better quality of life are Medellin, Bogota, Manizales and Bucaramanga In cities like Bogota, Medellin, Cali, there is an atmosphere more dynamic economic, best educational institutions, more and better health services, and wide range of recreational activities, culture and sport.  However, in these cities cost of living is higher and is more expensive to carry out administrative procedures and pay taxes, and urban mobility challenges are much greater. The opposite happens with smaller cities like Monteria, Neiva and Santa Marta. This means that people living in urban cities They have more job opportunities, better exhaust, more economical and better quality acquisition life, people living in rural areas or less urbanized areas. worst-cities.


Energy Conservation:

Light most Colombian homes comes in last of forests Forests are a source of strategic resources for Colombia.  One of the most important environmental services forest is its link with water, conserve water sources, they provide us force required to move the turbines that produce electricity if there is a good management of the natural forest resources that help regulate the water, then there will be more security energy.  


http: / b! ORESTS-and-water-energy-the-future-article-430313.


Attitudes toward authority:

Based on “interculturales” which is a Canadian sites that looks for local perspectives in distinct cases, it is stated that “decision-making in Colombia is generally centralized in the medium to upper level management” and also it states that vanity is worked in Colombian culture when we talk about the work in industries, so this shows that for employees the work environment can be not that hard. Based on articles from sources like “semana” and “vanguardia” majorities and young people are abusing of authority, Semana states that 80% of people think authority for the big ones is not that strong now that majorities such as cab drivers or street sellers create riots very constantly, vanguradia states that the young population has a n attitude to think their position is the final decision and this causes a problem when the industry is going to decide who to contract and how to maintain a moral authority in the company.


Population changes by citiy, country, state, region and country:

In 2008 there were 4.167.388 Colombians in the international, most of them where in the USA and the 68% of this number came from people living in Bogota according to “oim” But more exact Data came from “Migracion Colombia” Web page which Shows that there was an entrance of 236 616 people to Bogota in December of 2015, and a total of 426.459 went out of the country in which a 64% came out from Bogota. This gives the conclusion that the majority of people enter to Bogota and exit through Bogota, so we are having two kind of population density, first we have tourist that have the Job of being consumers and Second we have people that come from rural Areas to the urban city and this one can work as employees.

Value placed on leisure time:

In agreement project it is stated that leisure time is recognized as factor of human and social development so it is states as a fundamental requirement in all the communities and cultures over the world, The Web page of “Bogota major para todos” states that they want leisure time in week days and also weekends to promote healthy and cultural activities such as riding bike or going to places that involve cultural activities, also have a calm environment to help workers rest from the working environment, and this Helps industries in a way that if leisure time is made effectively then at the time of work there will be effectiveness


Regional changes in tastes and preferences:


In El tiempo expert Camilo Herrera states that “it’s important to remember that the market is changing in a quick way making it hard to read to the consumers, some tendencies have come to the markets such as: People buying less are being more selective, buying products that are compromised with the green environment, buying products that are sponsored by recognized celebrities, more malls that groups everything, the exchange of information from product quality, use of technology to find that best prices, privacy at the time of selling and buying on line. On “revista alimentos” it shows that 59% of the citizens in Bogota has changed recent changes in their feeding trends to make it healthier, this gives 2 conclusions to the industry, the first is that catching the consumer is harder now that their preferences are being more selective and also toward the food industry looking to the healthy side is always a way to get some new clients


Number of women and minority workers:

Caracol states an information from Dane that shows unemployment form women is in 13% also it says that Bogota is the highest place of working Women in Colombia, around 63% of the female population has an official or unofficial working status, also on another article from caracol it shows that with transportation includes, women work around 15 hours and 1 minute. This shows that at least in the city there is a high opportunity for female workers and this creates a more diversified environment in different work places.


Number of high school and colleague graduates by geographic area:

In the Web page of the “ministerio de educacion” it can be seen that in total 1075058 students have made their enrollment to foundation degree and in Bogota 212348 have made their enrollment with a total of 655972 population of 17 to 21, this means that there is a lot of young population that is either no doing nothing or working to maintain a family or to gain money for their studies, for schools the total of students paying an enrollment for school is of 698046 students which is a very alike number to the ones that pass to colleague also in an archive of the minister in 2012 37 275 quotas where opened for education opportunity, this shows that a higher education degree is trying to come at least from Bogota creating more available employees for different industries.


About recycling, in Bogota the majority of the citizens think that separating the garbage is an important issue for a better planet, El tiempo published that 91% of the people are totally in favor of doing the separating system of garbage and 85% of the people said that there needed to be other ways for the recycling system. Dane published that there where around 3692 homes that recycled but also a lot of this comes from the street people that recycle for gaining income. By this it can be seen that Bogota and Colombia is trying to improve their recycling system but, more recycling systems can be acquired also giving more work opportunities for the homeless and creating a better environment for the city and country.


Waste management:

In the web page of center for clear air policy, they state that in Colombia recent emissions will be reduced by diverting solid waste, using compost and this shows that there is more oriented culture on recycling waste and reducing it in a clear to reduce emissions also in the web page of “waste” which are companies who bases in many countries in the uses of waste, they give the proposition of using unemployed people to help organize the waste in the country, also because of the waste sites filling up quickly, recycling processes are going on their way and for last use knowledge of developed countries to create waste process more effective. This shows that Colombia is trying to help the environment reducing waste and this means that industries need to look for programs to reduce their own wastes.


Air pollution:

The world bank states that pollution kills over 1500 Colombians a year in which 8000 are from outer air pollution and the rest are from indoor air pollution. Colombia has placed a campaign called the Sina (complex national environment in Colombia) to decentralized environmental issues in the country, the solution to this has been to strengthening 33 different environmental societies to promote decrease in the pollution of the country. In Bogota according to Americas quarterly, air pollution is increasing because of the 1447 335 private vehicles moving through the city and this has created a complaint in the future of the pollution in Bogota. This shows that companies need to stay in touch with environmental identities to help de decrease of pollution in Bogota.


Water pollution:

The newspaper of the Universidad nacional states that 50% of the water in Colombia is note clean. It states that Colombia is the sixth country with more water supply but it says that the water used for production generates over 9 thousand tons of organic matter that contaminates the water supply, El tiempo reaffirms this by saying that illegal mining has caused water contamination and even caused the drying of a river by its contamination and it amount of soils given to the water. In Bogota most of all of the Water pollution is based in the rio Bogota, which borders part of the city, Semanas categorist sostenible says that the river shows amount of garbage smells and even corpse of animals showing that every time is turning more contaminated and more dangerous for the living in the city and this warns industries in how to take care of the rivers and where to place their wastes.


Ozone depletion:
















As seen in this graph taken out by the web page Knoema the amount polution affecting the ozone layer has a high tren of incrementation in the last 12 years going up around 250 metric tons affecting the ozone layer and in Caracol news it states that the decrease of the ozone layer is bringing counsecuences to the people health and most of all creating cancer danger. As other enviormental factors industries need to help in the decreasing in polution now that also el Tiempo states that the ozone layer has recovered but in some time it will be deteriorated again.


Endangered species:

In a blog named raising Colombian kids that itself quotes el tiempo, Colombia is one of the most diversified countries in the world has a problem of animal traffic, animals such as toucans, macaws, golden lion tamarin, marmosets, ocelots, margay cats and baby alligators are being trafficked by high prices and this makes them become endangered species. In the web page interactive jungle, it can be seen that over 7 million animals are being scattered and also includes animals such as the rice rat or mouse opossum and this warns some industries to no damage the animals habitats and to look for sustainable ways to save this species in one of the most diverse animal countries.








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