Forecasts are educated assumptions about future trends and events. Forecasting is a complex activity because of factors such as technological, innovation, cultural changes, new products, improved services, stronger competitors, and shifts in government priorities, changing social values, unstable economic conditions, and unforced moments. We can obtain information to make forecasting to be better guide in our current decisions to achieve a more desirable future state of affairs through the use of quantitative and qualitative tools. If we have data of the past, will be easier to us, predict the future of any decision. We might apply the use of the statistical studies about the different variables in our demand and offer of products to known how are going to be their behavior with respect the economic conditions of the market and the profits or benefits that we will obtained through this. Having forecasting, it helps to competitive advantage and the success of our organization. Additionally, is necessary to take into account that no forecasting is perfect, and some forecasts are even wildly inaccurate. This fact accents the need for strategies to devote sufficient time and effort to study the underlying bases for published forecast and develop internal forecast of their own.
We are the strategists in our company, we should have study the industry where are involved. Try to make assumptions, allow us have commitment and hope of our business will work. So, as strategists, we must have patience because a small company take a longtime to grown and view the profits and benefits that could bring us. The wait is large by the satisfaction will be recompensed.
Establishing Objectives
Is very important establish the objectives in our Company. We should know what is that we want to achieve. Thought the actions to do the objectives proposes, we can develop more skill and abilities to work better together; the synergy between employees and managers increases, because the communication gives by the stablishing of clearly objective allows be more committed with the propose of identifying and take advantage of external opportunities as well as minimize the impact of external threats. Is indispensable that all members of the organization understand this. Therefore, the organizational culture is going to develop a climate work more comfortable when the efficiency and effectiveness are the principal factors to successful through this.
The objectives in long-term, we are going to focus in the strategic objectives; our company is small and now are growing. So, the financial objectives we cannot use because it does not strong to support this. Largest firms only can use by the resources that have. As our company is small, we have limits in the use of resources, basically in the economics. Some of this objectives are:
Short term
To be recognized in the sector where we do business.
Carrying a weekly accounting to observe the behavior of the company and noted that evidence has to progress or decline.
Observe the organizational culture of our company and evaluate the behavior of members who are part of this.
Observe the shortcomings that may have the processing or delivery service, if you see any decrease in weekly earnings. It is necessary to be strictly controlled to eliminate any anomaly that could harm the business.
Provide training as necessary to all staff; while maintaining a good organizational climate where values ​​and established organizational principles are promoted.
Medium term
Have more geographic coverage in the expansion of our company (170th Street to Avenida Caracas).
Open a savings account to ensure the money earned and if necessary invest in regard to processes and human resources, according to the profits annually.
Doing a SWOT identify where our main competitors. If they exist, create strategies to prevent their competition to us and try to stay strong in our industry.
To be recognized as one of the companies dedicated to protecting the environment through the use of bicycles in our services.
Long term
Be as powerful as precursors to health care through our healthy food in Bogota and have offices in major cities.
Profit of which we can expand our physical plant in order to create a service in the same place.
Be unique and different, mark our territory by the quality of our products.
Devising strategies
In formulating our goals it is necessary to create strategies that allow us their achievement. For this reason, in our company we decided to guide us through the model of Michael Porter and opted to use The Cost leadership. We use this strategy because it is the one that goes in line with our mission and vision; understanding where our company is going. The cost leadership emphasizes producing standardized products at a very low-per unit cost for consumers who are prince-sensitive. We choose the Type 1 that is a low-cost strategy that offers products or services to a wide range of customers at the lowest price available in the market. We can used this because is according to the limit economic resources that have us. With a successful cost leadership strategy usually permeates to our company, as evidenced by high efficiency, low overhead, limited perks, intolerance of waste, intensive screening of budget requests, wide spans of control, rewards linked to cost containment, and broad employee participation in cost control efforts. So, we hope that all of this could obtain.
To achieve good service employees arrive on time they might with the schedule to also begin the opening point of sale, in charge of receive calls and meet orders via Internet should always be atent to complaints, claims or requests from our customers, this will be accepted with respect and in such case the customer is dissatisfied with any of our products, we will try to have a ater with this to ensure future customer loyalty to our brand. Thus employees must be very respectful with clients showing interest always be willing to providing a professional service, just as at the time of order delivery alcun, this It must be delivered with respect and kindness to strengthen the relationship with customers employees must show commitment to their work, moral and respect for people of establishment. Cooks should always have your cleaning implements to achieve so neat and hygiene service and must be uniform for all customers feel that our company seeks an identity to meet the needs of the same.
-We seek provide the best service for our customers healthy food with quality standards to make the customer feel identified with our products.
-Innovation and variety of dishes.
-Diversify our outlets around the country.